Saturday, May 8, 2010

Experiment 02 [Sine Curve]

I've thought about fabricating the terminal roof as the main feature of the building; manipulating the users' experience in the space as well as incorporating natural lighting into the building.

From Experiment 01, I decided to further develop the analysis of psychological tension on a surface (Experiment 01 was on a 'line'). A series of sine curves along y-axis generate an evenly distributed undulating surface.

Model 01. First attempt to generate the surface using sine curve and cosine curve alternatively along y-axis to create amplitudes.

Model 02. Definition allowing for sine curve amplitude to be adjusted via 'number slider'.

Model 03. Curvature analysis pattern on Sine-curve surface. From model 2, curvature analysis pattern was inserted to create series of circular holes along the surface. [in thoughts: Allowing natural lighting to penetrate through circular holes.]

[Added 'curvature analysis definition'] The series of circles gradually increase in size as the surface it situated on increase in degree of curve.

However, I was not able to maintained those series of circles as I started extruding the surface. [Need Help!]

Another alternative was to add a boolean definition for the circles to cut through the surface. Unfortunately with this definition, circles generated by the curvature analysis definition [because they overlapped] do not allow for boolean to work. Hence, long story short, I had to split those circles so that it won't overlapped and the surface ended up looking like a swiss cheese!! [still need to work on it].

1 comment:

  1. Again interesting development, looking forward to seeing the physical models. The three different experiments are different to each other, how would you begin to integrate the three into one form? How will the program of the building influence the form...looking forward to seeing more.
